Technical difficulties?

Started by Private User on Thursday, February 16, 2012
Problem with this page?


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Showing 361-390 of 1546 posts

Jessica it appears to be some kind of problem with that "Choose Collection" drop-down at the top right. Try logging out and clearing cookies with this link:

and then log back in and try again.

Mike Stangel,
Thanks! That worked!

(Now what about the other problem I referenced? ;) )

Mike Stangel
The same error message still appears when adding profiles to projects if the profile is not managed by one of my collaborators (or me).
Message reads :
xxxx is part of the following projects
next line... window.location.href = "/error";

Closing that screen with "Done" returns to the profile page and running across the top, is now the message:
"You do not have permission to view this profile".

Is there any way you can check if, despite the error message, the invitation to join the project is received by the profile manager.

re: search not "activating" -- I use Ghostery; sometimes on, sometimes off. That Google Opt-out is Chrome-specific. Thanks for the reminder to check for that first when something 'odd' shows up.

Jessica and Pam, I'll be on vacation for the next week but I'll ask someone here to try (again) to reproduce the problems you're having.

Thank you Mike.
Have a great holiday, I am sure ou really need the break after your 3.00am emergencies!

Can anyone explain why occupation field should be locked.

From tree view
Profiles open to show 'Occupation' field is locked

Sarah Isaac
Simon Hyeem Isaac
Farha Sassoon

There are many additional instances. However, opening from the profile view, the field does not appear locked.

Mike Stangel
The error messages still appear on the 'add to project' page


I sometimes wonder if certain issues are browser (IE) related?
I keep running into the same problems over and over and over again....

Pam Karp, - there is no lock option on the occupation field.

That field is however not under revision control yet, which means that you have to be a manager or collaborate with one of the managers to get edit access. Being a Pro and that the profile is public is not enough.

The same rule applies to adding profiles to a project: Collaboration or a manager is the rule, but I agree that the error message should be better.

Private User
Same is true for the marriage field. However, if the other partner is managed by me or by one of my collaborators, I can still add the marriage date to this profile.
Or, alternatively, I create a duplicate, do a merge, I can now also edit the 'locked' fields.
Now, does this make sense?

Nah, that is cheating to get access - don't tell anyone... ;-)

As far as I understand Geni opened up for Pro users to allow merges on all connected public profiles even if revision handling for undoing a merge still are unreleased, but they made a calculated risk on that which seem to be successful.

Thank you Bjorn.

I had thought that Pro and a public profile was sufficient to view. There was no intention to edit, merely a query.
It also seems that the links to these profiles were not transferred from a previous post I referenced. Oops, apologies for that.

Your explanations are always appreciated.

it doesn't make sense to me that a marriage date would be under revision control nor does it make sense that this date is not visible on a profile page (unless, of course, one uses the 'timeline' tab, but often i have to click this tab -and the other ones- as much as 2,3,4,5 times before i get the info -but that's another issue).

Of course a marriage date is as important as birth and death which is under revision control and can be reverted.

Geni are working on some major base changes in the way data are organized and any connection related stuff like marriages, parents etc is depending on that, so I would not expect any changes until that implementation are complete.

Baptism info are not available on the profile mainpage either, - only those who have edit access can see it.

You should however take the time on telling a story about the person in the About Me where you can include such information. It is much better than dry facts.

If the Timeline was presented below the About Me section (as it is when not logged in), this problem would be solved. There's plenty of room.

Not a new problem, but when the tree is displayed when not logged in, it appears as a grid - there's a line connecting everyone of the same generation, whether they have the same parents or not.

Try when not logged in, and move the tree around.

When building trees using Add Family Members tab from Overview not all extra family members are added to the tree.
I'm using IE on one PC and Chrome on another working in two different families (admittedly quite close relations).
When the Add Family box appears i type in the names of 9 or 10 new family members but when i press the save button only 6 or 7 new profiles are created.

Ken, I tested that tree in a logged out IE browser and it displays fine.

I did however notice a design error: The nodes are displayed with an "edit" link, which of course are not working since we are not logged in. What should be displayed is a "tree" link to be able to change focus. Mike Stangel should put that on the error list although the flash tree interface days soon goes to an end.

I also agree that the timeline should be displayed and highlighted more on the main profile page, both because it will display hidden and no standard events, but also because it is easier to detect errors. They should however get a better display of events without any data (like deceased) or not display them at all.
Michelle Elena Kempner could put that on the wishlist for redesigning profiles.

Alex Moes

I have the same problem when adding family members from 'Overview'.

If your device supports Flash why not use Tree View.

I'm yet to decide which method i prefer having just discovered the Overview method.
When i'm building out large blocks i tend to just give the profile a name and year of birth then revisit at a later date to edit in details. With that style of profile it seems faster/eassier to build using the over view method.
Just a bit annoying that it defaults to living :(
Would be nice if you could add parents-in-law too.
This weekend lotto numbers would also be nice, while i'm wishing.

Bjorn. I should have been more specific. Move directly up the tree and look at Joseph Collings. The lines tell me he is married to all of his brothers.- and his brothers wives as well.

This phenomena seems to occur the further you get from the starting profile.

The same happens with IE, Chrome and Safari.

It still looks fine here, both in IE and Chrome.

The tree display is however capped above Joseph Collings's father and since Display Preferences and a tree link is not available it is not possible to see anything above that level.

Bjorn. Now I'm confused. Why are you seeing the tree differently to us? We've cleared the cookies, used different browsers, and still get the same grid presentation - any ideas?

Any others who can test how the tree looks like when logged out?

There are no options when you're not logged in, so that can't be the problem.

I just tried it with Chrome + Windows XP ... I see the problem (horizontal line connecting many of the profiles at the same "level" -- on both the Collins and Tregear sides -- but not on all branches, though).

Having seen that, and then looking at it while logged in, it almost looks like it happens with groupings where the "Yellow Arrows" are "nearly touching" a connecting line below them (in a logged-in view), but it doesn't happen on groups without a connecting line below them.

Thanks Dan. I just tried it with Abraham Lincoln, and it's worse.

As the logged-out view would be most people's introduction to Geni (and to even know that Geni exists), it's not a good look to have an incomprehensible tree.

Personally, I don't see the need for the Arrows - in the un-logged OR geni logged tree display.

Arrows are large, make the screen to congested (busy) - and only are creating a display problem.

Not a good - 1st impression - for potential Geni users to sign-up :)

re: logged out display bug
I did a little more side-by-side looking.

The problem seems to be consistent in the grandparent generation when the "logged in" view has two horizontal lines between the parent and grandparents (either side). You have to be showing +3 Ancestors in the "logged in" view to be consistent with the logged-in vs. logged-out views.

In the corresponding "logged out" view, the parent-to-grandparents connections are totally incorrect, and the grandparents "peers" (siblings, spouses) are all connected with a single horizontal line through (as if they were all married to each other -- as Ken noted).

The happens in a variety of situations, not just the one example Ken posted; I saw it in several different places as I "moved around" in the logged out view (** FYI: to "move around" one has to click on a profile name, then select "Tree View" for that profile -- since the Tree View does not directly allow one to "move around").

Showing 361-390 of 1546 posts

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