Technical difficulties?

Started by Private User on Thursday, February 16, 2012
Problem with this page?


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Showing 271-300 of 1546 posts

Suzanne - definitely no, blocking a user does not remove them from your tree. See: for a list of what Geni currently says it does.

Note that it is dated May 16th of this year. For months before that, the FAQ said Blocking would also prevent the User you Blocked from editing the profiles you managed, even tho that was no longer the case.

Michelle Elena Kempner
TIPS AND TRICKS and VIDEO TUTORIALS are no longer active on the 'Geni Help' project. 'Page no longer exists'.

Thanks Lois for the info

Pam Karp, I am not having any trouble accessing those areas. Can you try again?

Michelle, thank you for responding.

1. TIPS AND TRICKS listed below the heading of Geni Resources is no longer visible, the section seems to have been removed.

2. VIDEO TUTORIALS is now responsive.

Pam Karp, thanks for pointing it out. That should be fixed now.

All okay Michelle.
Thank you.

downloaded gedcoms seems to shift wedding dates to different persons when moved elsewhere. For example, my parent's wedding date moved to my own wedding date...

also, the profiles I have created are locked for no justifiable reason. please remedy this.

Can someone please explain to me how people are permitted to create alternate accounts for an individual who is living without their permission or consent and if the person objects, the site does nothing to remedy this.

Also, can someone please explain to me why if MY work does not belong to Geni, is not managed by anyone other than me, it suddenly is not mine?

Also, can someone please explain to me how filing a complaint about issues relating to sabotage of my tree has resulted in the victim being removed from the site while the offending party(s) remain?

also, how do you go above the head of a customer service rep who is not helping the customer?

"Geni does not claim any ownership rights in the text, information, files, images, photos, video, sounds, musical works, works of authorship, or any other materials that you post to the Geni Services...."

I'm not even allowed to leave groups... overzealous persecution of victim of tree sabotage! wow!

I like the Notifications function that informs of new messages or updated discussions but i find it frustrating that i get a notification that a discussion has been updated when i am the person who has posted in that discussion.
Is it a fault?
I mean, why do i need a notification to tell me that a thread has been updated when i am the person that has just updated it?

When you post to a discussion you will automatically "Follow" it and get notifications of new messages.
This is the way almost all discussion boards work, and also the way I prefer it.

If you dislike it: Just click Unfollow, and/or disable email notifications on discussions.

I do not want to Unfollow.
I have already disabled email notifications months ago.

I think this is a technical flaw, logically i already know that i have just replied to a discussion so having a bot to inform me of that fact seems like a superfluous piece of clutter.
Obviously not a high priority problem for the programmers to focus on but just a little flea that bothers me occasionally.

re: "counting my just-posted reply"

I actually think I understand why it does it, but it is a minor "itch" to me, too.

(Why does it do it? Because the "bot" notes the last time you clicked on the "little number". Any changes to the items in it's menu [for you] after that time are accumulated. I suspect it is operating on the server-side, so it doesn't look at where the modification comes from; that's why it picks up "my reply". If it tried to simply reset the count or the time-stamp, of course, it would miss anything update since the last "click on the number".)

Unexpected behavior (again).
When adding German places.

Try "Epe, Germany".
As a suggestion I get "Epe, 48599 Gronau, Germany"
Exactly! That's the one. So I accept and save.
What do I see afterwards?
"NorthRine-Westphalia, Germany"
Huh? What happened? Why? Hate this...

Another one, but slightly different.

Try "Uerdingen"
As a suggestion I get "Krefeld-Uerdingen, 47829 Krefeld, Germany"
Yeah, that's the one. Accept, save.
What do I see afterwards? NOTHING
Try again.
2nd time right.

3 times in a row (and I don't want to try a 4th time)

Private User we're somewhat at the mercy of Google's Maps API. If you click the "Edit details" link you'll see the problem in the individual fields, before you even submit the form. You can correct the data there, too, as it's actually these individual fields that we store.

I noticed, too, that it seems to work a little better in the edit form, rather than the add-profile form, for example the edit form resolves Epe, Germany as:

City: Gonau
County: Münster
Province: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Country: Germany

...whereas the add-profile form misses the city and county, probably because that form is using an older version of the Maps API. We'll continue to try to improve it, but since the Maps API isn't our service it's a good idea to treat it as a suggestion but spot-check the details fields.


When using the "Contact Manager" button on a MP it sends the message to the primary manager.
Aren't MPs locked to all but the Curator? Would it not make more sense to direct any message to the curator first?

Most MPs are not locked (at least mine aren't). I do lock some sourced fields which means data will resolve automatically to that value. Outstanding data resolves appear in the merge centers of all managers and the curators.

Sorry - the curator's individual merge center.

So the original managers can still edit the fields of the MP?
Can they edit the locked fields manually or do changes to those fields have to be done by curator?

Managers can edit any unlocked field. Locked fields can only be edited by curators.

Makes sense.

I can't start a new discussion in the Collaboration Pool project.
Typed it out twice!!!
Both times IE just gives me a little yellow ! in the bottom left corner with "Error" and the screen goes opaque.
The fact that i can start a discussion here but not there suggests it is not an issue at my end.

Also on Collaboration Pool:
I am a member and following the project
but i don't get notifications when discussions are updated.
Also discussions in that project do not display when you select "ALL Public".
Surely by it's very definition Collaboration Discussions should be public!

FYI Marsha Gail Veazey

Alex I'll make a note to test/fix the JavaScript error you're getting in IE, when trying to start a project discussion.

I may be mistaken but I thought project discussions were isolated from "all public" (even though yes, they are public) to keep down the noise level. They should be in your "discussions I'm following" list, though.

Mike Stangel, i've just tried the same process using a different PC and it works fine.
Not sure what that means?
I've never had trouble starting a discussion from that PC before.

Mike Stangel My problem with a continual Java spinner on profiles seem to have gone away. I'll keep my fingers crossed :-)

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