Sir Francis Carew - Throckmorton striked through

Started by Ann Farley on Saturday, February 11, 2012
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Nicholas Carew married Sir Francis Bryan's sister Elizabeth Ironically, it was Carew's brother-in-law who was part of the committee that sat in the trial against him and pronounced him guilty, resulting in leaving his sister impoverished..

During the reign of Mary I, their son Sir Francis Carew was restored to Nicholas' estates, though he preferred to stay out of politics.

Francis' sister Anne married the diplomat Nicholas Throckmorton; their daughter Elizabeth married Sir Walter Raleigh.

Hi Ann - are you connected to Sir Francis Carew?

Sir Francis Carew is my 9th cousin 15 times removed.

Sir Francis Carew my 12th cousin 14 times removed.

Sir Francis Carew is my fourth cousin 13 times removed.

Our common ancestress is Elizabeth Cheney, Lady Say - who is the ancestress of three of Henry Vlll's 8 wives.

Elizebeth Cheney, Lady Say is my 9th cousin 17 times removed.

Carew Castle is close to where I live and a favourite walk is around the castle and the Mill and the tidal inlet. They still hold jousting exhibitions there just like our ancestors enjoyed centuries ago.

My 12th cousin 12 times removed.

Lady Elizabeth is also my 12th cousin 12 times removed.

Sir Francis Carew is my third cousin 15 times removed.

Elizabeth Cheney, Lady Say is my 17th great aunt.

He's my 4th cousin 15 times removed :)

and Elizabeth is my 18th great aunt

Sir Francis Carew is my third cousin 16 times removed.

Elizabeth Cheney, Lady Say is my 17th great aunt.

Sir Francis Carew is your 8th cousin 10 times removed - as we are playing this game!!!

Carew Family had a few homes including a castle and a very very large manor house. Quite a distance apart. I guess they needed a home in the extremities, one closer to London to stay en route to London etc.

Elizabeth Cheney, Lady Say, is my 15th great-grandmother, four times over. Sir Francis Carew is my 13th great-uncle.

Elizabeth Cheney, Lady Say my 9th cousin 19 times removed.

Sir Francis Carew is my fourth cousin 13 times removed.

ElizabethCheney,Lady Say is my 16th Great Aunt.

Elizabeth Cheney, Lady Say is 9th cousin 19 times removed.

Hi, please shout again if I never responded to your message, as I have been away in hospital for a week and got a bit blurred in memory.
Carew Castle is close to where I live and it is a lovely area. Ann

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