Släktskap enligt Geni;s översättning

Started by Paul Alexander Westerlund on Tuesday, November 29, 2011
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Showing 31-35 of 35 posts

If you are able to connect to a noble family around the 1600' which gave ties to the kings of Denmark it's possible. Just make sure that you have good sources om every connection and don't trust what other peoples have wtitten but try to check the sources your self.

The oldest line of mine that I'm pretty sure of goes back to around 1280 and ends in Bohuslän.

Just remeber that genealogy isn't about getting most people in your tree, getting the furthest back in time or find your lineage back to famous people, but it's about who were your ancestors and their families and their lifestories, and trying to find the truth about this, by using as good sources as you can find.

And don't think you would like to present your family with a familytree that has false connections and has a lot of fantasies in it.

Try to be the best genealogist that you can be.

As I said before the best geniologi in the word are by the house of the nobility. Do not think that you or me are better than they are in this sience. It is much more easier to prove connection with noble family and connection between nobles family than it is to prove a connection to a farmer around 1280. In spite of the facts that we by documents have a line only DNA tests are proof enough. Please read David Howdens comments in this discussion.

I haven't said that my line back to 1280 were farmers, in fact they were very much a noble family, and stayed as a noble family into the 1600's.

But you should trust every noble familytree either. A lot of fantasytrees among those too.

Og jeg har lest David Howdens kommentarer og jeg er helt enig, bortsett fra at i de felste tilfellene kan vi være rimelig sikre på at mor vet at hun fødte barnet og hvilket barn det var.

Rimelig sikre is far away from 100% sure. Det är högst subjektivt. I belive there are a lots of bugs even when we have documents, because the father is not always the biological father. It would be relly fun to make a autosomalt DNA test to M.Luther, it is not so far away.

I am joking of course. We who have connection to "the fine peoples" we must know that there was many years ago since they got the titel. And who says that Zlatan is better than a woman who is working on a butic. I think the world are abnormal.

Showing 31-35 of 35 posts

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