Charles Windsor is your 12th cousin

Started by Aimee C. Speidel von Ofterdingen on Wednesday, November 23, 2011
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Showing 91-120 of 128 posts

Christiaan 1V king of Denmark and Norway is My 8th cousin 11 times removed. As a Staunch Republican I am getting sick of being connected to every king mentioned. I even family to the sha s of Persia .

Just take away anyone of your forefathers and you had never existed. ; )

A. Saarinen,it is a good point to think about. Obama himself was wearing kevlar under his clothes at one point. Perhaps Will and Kate felt safe enough in front of a crowd with bodyguards and such but simply want to protect their child's personl identifying information as any Parent would. There are multiple threats in this world. Threats of bodily harm is one, identity theft or theft of assets. Imagine if you will a baby with a 2 million dollar savings account and you can imagine that parent's are not going to give strangers information that makes it easy to steal that from their child. I'm just guessing but I bet it's not far off the mark.

Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother is your 9th cousin once removed. It Every side do not know how many ways I am related to them all. It both of my parents I wish we could see both sets of parents relationship instead of who closer. Related double to them!Charles, Prince of Wales is your second cousin four times removed's husband's first cousin thrice, Princess of Wales is your second cousin four times removed's husband's first cousin thrice removed's ex-wife.Diana Spencer is your 12th cousin twice removed

Yes Donna Dee, I noticed the same effect, they become double cousin
married to each other but that's because all royal houses in Europe are
connected, making the most princess and princes cousins while also
man and wife. Can you imagine the problem Charles would have if he
was a Geni user?

There ought to be a function that made it possible to search only
from your father or your mothers line directly out from your own profile,
by temporarily blocking one of your parents, it would become handy
for all of us out here whose parents are cousins. ; )

Anne Katarina Margareta Fredrikson: Du och jag är släkt med släkten (fast en släkt emellan ;)

// Sofie Sjögren

Ulf, You should stop writing Swedish to me, I don't under stand a word, Usually you speak sense so I`d like to know what you are saying, but if you so prefer so we can talk to each other in our Mother tongue . I will repeat what I have just said in Afrikaans and see if you understand it,
" Jy moet ophou om in Sweeds vir my te skryf , ek verstaan nie n woord nie. Gewoonlik praat jy sense so ek sal daarvan hou om te weet wat jy se. Maar as jy so verkies kan ons met mekaar in ons moeder taal komminukeer . Ek sal her haal wat ek so pas gese het in Afrikaans en ons kyk of jy dit verstaan.

Ulf , don't worry. Strange the time difference between the continents .
Your yesterday is my to day.

Charles, Príncipe de Gales é seu primo 17o, uma vez removidos.

Charles, Prince of Wales is also my 12th cousin once removed.

Vjera Anrep is my 9th cousin thrice removed

Vlad the Impaler Dracula, Prince of Wallachia is my third cousin 16 times removed

Elin Folkesdotter (Gumsehuvud) is my 20th great grandmother

Fader Birgersson (Sparre av Hjulsta och Ängsö) is my 20th great grandfather.

Joan "The Fair Maid of Kent" Plantagenet is my 21st great grandmother.

Karl VIII Knutson is my 18th great grandfather

Dear Gerene Mae Mason, am searching my family tree on my mothers side called Forgach de Ghymes & Gacs I believe they were my Ancestors. I found Judit Forgach de Ghymes et Gacs 1583 who married Pal Nadasdy de Nadasd & Fogarasfold the 12-Great half-aunt of HRH Prince Charles. Andrew Forgach 1612 he married Anna Kamaras de Zelemer HRH Prince Charles 11- Great grandfather also Margaret Forgach de Gacs HRH Charles 11-Great grandmother who married Laszlo Gyulaffy de Ratot.
The Pedigree of
Imre (Emmeric) Forgach de Ghymes et Gacs married Catharine Subic and
Sophia Forgach 1568-1588 married to GEORGE ( Gyorgy) Thurzo Palatin of Hungary.
The family also related to Count Dracula & the Prince Esterhazy & Zolyomi de Albis.

Yours faithfully

Elizabeth Mccaffrey

And Charles is my 9th cousin, 4 Xs removed.

Charles id my 11th cousin..

charles prince of wales is my 12th cousin 3Xs removed

Charles, Prince of Wales is my 15th cousin twice removed's ex-husband.

Diana, Princess of Wales is my 15th cousin twice removed

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge is your 12th cousin once removed

What am I , the only one here ,so far, that is directly related not removed

Hi Judy:

Prince Charles is my 12th cousin once removed.

I just back tracked on this discussion and there certainly are many more direct connections. I figured Icouldn't be the only one. That would just be impossible!

Charles, Prince of Wales is your 13th cousin once removed.

Charles, Prince of Wales is your 14th cousin once removed.
Diana, Princess of Wales is your 12th cousin.

diana, princess of wales is my 10th cousin 3x...

Ulf Ingvar Gote Martinsson Here is a discussion going about Cousins and Cousins remove

Charles III, King of the United Kingdom

My 11th cousin, according to Geni

Charles Windsor is my 12th cousin

Hi dear folks, I am distant related to all of you Charles, Prince of Wales is your 13th cousin four times removed. Can I still join you all for tea at the palace next sunday ? ;)

Greetings from a cloudy Holland.

Iam also distant related to Lady Diana, what a coincidence :) Diana, Princess of Wales is your 14th cousin four times removed.

Sorry, here me again, I started to check them all out, and this time I came back with a few cousins and a great, great grandmother  Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge is your 22nd cousin.
Gräfin Richardis Markgräfin von Stade is your 25th great grandmother.
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge is your 14th cousin thrice removed.
But since I am from the Netherlands, I think I am also going to drink some tea with my nearest cousin ;) Willem-Alexander, King of the Netherlands is your 13th cousin.

Wow, we’re all long lost Royals ;)

Prince Charles, 17th Cousin, trice removed.

Showing 91-120 of 128 posts

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