Charles Windsor is your 12th cousin

Started by Aimee C. Speidel von Ofterdingen on Wednesday, November 23, 2011
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I also noticed allready that the profile of Prince Charles says he is the widower of his very alive wife, Camilla Parker Bowles ! How is that possible in a profile with 204 managers ??? Does nobody correct that mistake ? I really doubt these kind of lines (being a cousin of ....). Geni is full with this kind of mistakes. People being their own brothers or sisters, people who are connected to the whole wrong family-tree, just because they share the same family name (the archives are not being checked and whole family trees are just copied from the internet without checking with the official archives). People are not careful enough and do add people without checking things properly or reading properly first if these persons are allready there. The person who did add Camilla Parker Bowles in 2014 probably did not see that Camilla, the wife of Prince Charles was allready added in 2007 under a different name, the name of Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. So he added her one more time. People should really look better before they add someone. Because of this Geni is full of sloppy mistakes :( I believe all of us here are sure relatives of Royalty and world famous people, since we all descend of nobility. But if things are really the way Geni tells us, like: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge is your 14th cousin thrice removed (my line), I am not sure about all of that, I doubt Geni now ! There are to many mistakes in Geni, because people just assume things, which does not have to be the thruth at all. They do not check it and also do not mention that they do assume ... which according to me, they should mention that they are guessing when they are. I go for the thruth only, for what I find in official archives and in trustwordy history books, that I copy, but otherwise I do not take the risk by copying from someone elses tree and adding someone to the/a Geni-tree that actually does not belong there or was invented by some genious mind. Anyway, I do believe we are all conected to eachother here since we all descend of Royalty and nobility, but how ? I do not trust Geni anymore in ... how, where and when. I am very sorry, but this is a fact. Many people just aren't careful enough and wrong profiles are not being corrected or removed. Whole trees are connected to eachother and really have nothing to do with eachother (they are not even related to eachother at all). Very sad, but true. Perhaps I am to serious for Geni and for others, Geni is just fun. Sorry if I did offend people with this message, but I do not point a finger at anyone, there are other serious people on Geni too, besides me. I am just saying ... in overall, in generous. Please lets all help eachother by pointing out mistakes to eachoter and correcting them. Lets all together make Geni a trustwordy world-tree again !?! I try to do my part, I did write the managers of the profile of Prince Charles and did point out the mistake of Camilla to them, so they can correct it. Otherwise, who else is going to take Geni seriously if they read this funny kind of mistakes ? Greetings, Recia.

How many known cousins 12th or closer to Charles are there? Anyone have a clue, the number or an estimate?

I am not for sure,I do estimate however there must a great deal it is up in the thousands.I am a 12 cousin to Charles and there is 47 first cousins in my family alone.

He is my 13th cousin.

No, actually Charles Windsor isn't my 12th cousin. Princess Diana was my 5th cousin once removed (her mother was my 5th cousin), so Prince Charles is not a blood relative - unless he is on some other family branch that I have yet to discover. I am not sure what actual relationship "husband of 5th cousin once removed" is - too complicated for me to work out!

I don't know, I'm from Venezuela, South America, may be because my genealogic tree, my last name is GOODMAN, it is lobg and romantic, .my
ancest went to Spain , and his name was Guzman The Good Man bcause he gave fedom to Spain fom th moros and arabian.....please, excuse my english....sorry,

Wow, well done! I think I will leave the working out to you, as my brain feels like last year's knitting just looking at it!!!!

No, this is winter depression time for us swedes where we have
gone into hibernation or doze, or whatever it's called, you know,
like some bears and hedgehogs do once a year.

12 twice removed and the more generations after him, there are closer relatives related to me for sure. Thanks for the hard work each of you do.

Charles, Prince of Wales is my 11th cousin once removed

@ Qabul Khan (le 2e Khan des mongols) Khagan is your third cousin twice removed's husband's 24th great grandfather.

Springtime greetings to all the participants here in Finland, Salme Marjatta

In reply to you Recia Ilona Albertine Tóth you are of course correct regarding the amazing inability of Geni to correct errors in a timely manner. They've got my relationship to Edward john Spencer, correctly shown as 7th cousin and then tole me his daughter Diana Princess of Wales is my 15th cousin - a few times removed - I should think that even a rank amateur could spot the nonsense!

Try to remember how Wikipedia was in the beginning, a messed up catastrophe, it has indeed over time been so much corrected in a lot of ways, so it is almost as good as any lexicon.

Still, there is a few minor problems left, companies doing their own facts, cutting out conflicts and anything associated with bad reputation, politicians covering up scandals etc, It takes time to be good, the same goes for Geni.

By time Geni will be better, hopefully so good that it could be taken as a reliable serious source.

Thank you for your very insightful comment Ulf. I didn't access Wikipedia when it first began so I had no idea what it used to be like however I certainly do take your point so I conclude that we must all be understanding and patient.

Charles is my 16th cousin twice removed

Charles, Prince of Wales is your 12th cousin once removed.

Gerene Mae Mason is my 14th cousin.

Charles is my 17th cousin once removed.

Charles, Prince of Wales is your 14th cousin twice removed.

Well, it says I am his 11th cousin. This is a hoot! I guess if I ever get to England I will have ti visit the family. Ya, right!

It is interesting that the line from Jon Fair Maid of Kent to Prince Charles is pretty much a straight line of titled nobility yet when you go from Lady Joan Fitzgerald to Queen Elizabeth there is a mix of nobility and business people. I think in today's day and age that business owners or CEO's or people of higher education with degree's have the same clout as an Earl, Duke, etc. of the past. People 500 yrs. from now may look at your profile and say... oh, so and so was a Nuclear Physicist or owned a chain of drugstores and they will be just as impressed with that as the Duke and Duchess of whatever. ;)


A. Saarinen, I have never heard of family tree gold plating but it sounds entertaining even if fake? Can you provide an example? Thank you.

Cousin A. Saarinen, we are 23rd cousins 3x removed. Our shared ancestor is Richardis von Sponheim
and a line of names of people I am unfamiliar with but I did look up Richardis :) Do you think of the people in these lines are "Gilded"? I think you did a great job explaining. Thank you :)

Charles, Prince of Wales is your 14th cousin thrice removed... :)

Most stylish princesses through history

(is this a Geni project ? :))

Charles is my 14 th cousin.
Congratulations Girl Baby Windsor !

I think it makes perfect sense to conceal the baby's birthdate and other private information. Celebrities doe it all the time. Then they give their babies outrageous and ridiculous names that people actually believe to protect the babies identity and to give them privacy. I think the babies of celebrities are matter of factly given alias' as standard issue. They have so much to worry about,; theft, stalkers, kidnappers. etc. etc.

There's always a little bit of truth in a fabrication if indeed any part of her birth has to be fabricated for the purpose of protecting her personal identity information. For example, digital thieves and hackers would want her personal information for reasons of theft. A "time" of birth is not something they ask for in regards to accounts so it makes sense that the "time of birth" could be true. Ploys such as a fake pregnancy belly, fake birth day and even a fake baby presented to the world all make perfect sense when it comes to protecting this precious babies personal information.

Showing 61-90 of 128 posts

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