Excess children of Edward Doty? (1598, Mayflower passenger) and "unknown" first wife?

Started by Dan Cornett on Monday, November 14, 2011
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11/14/2011 at 9:07 AM

There are 4 children connected to Edward which are inconsistent with the info in the "About".

William Doty (1637-38) ... looks like an infant death twin of Edward II (1737-) ... is this real? Belong elsewhere in nearby tree?

Faith Clark Doty (1639-1639) ... looks like an infant death twin of John (1639-) ... is this real? Belong elsewhere in nearby tree?

James Doty (1628-) ... born before Edward's marriage to Faith Clarke ... maybe someone's conjecture or mis-merge with unknown first wife (see more below in this note).

Sarah ... belongs elsewhere in Doty relations?

--------- I haven't yet seen anything obvious about where else these 4 kids might have come from.

Currently, also, Edward has another wife shown as Winifryd Waryner; the "About" documentation affirms a (perhaps childless) wife prior to Faith Clarke, but without documentation. First wife likely without children by Edward, but perhaps children from her prior or later marriage?

11/14/2011 at 9:28 AM

Also the parents are fictional and the about needs some cleanup. I'll hit it this afternoon. Good catch!

11/14/2011 at 9:52 AM

I found where two of the "excess" belong (with the "James of Scituate" clan) ... but still left with the "infants" William and Faith.

11/14/2011 at 12:13 PM

OK all done, I think.

- fictional parents from fraudulent pedigrees sent on their way, and locked "unknown parent" profiles made for the future.
- the Winfryd Warner marriage theory is too unlikely and speculative. She was married to an Edward Dowtie in London, who is a. Theoretical candidate. However the ages don't really fit (he would have been 14) and apprentices, which Edward was at that time (and an indentured servant in America) were not permitted to marry. So she's been disconnected with a note on her profile.
- the infants William and Faith I don't see one way or another. I'm inclined to leave them be.
- I uploaded a copy of his will to his profile. Unfortunately he only named son Edward.

11/14/2011 at 2:26 PM

The "about me" was updated. Let me know if any egregious errors.

Private User
11/18/2011 at 7:42 AM

Isaac Doty and Elizabeth ENGLAND are my 8th GGP's, but Isaac only shows as a cousin. Can you fix this for me? Thank you. Janet

11/18/2011 at 9:16 AM

It's odd. I resolved all data conflicts and that made no difference. F it persists we'll need to ask Mike Stangel

11/18/2011 at 2:43 PM

Can you send me a link to the profile, Erica? And if I want to try it, which values should I choose?

11/19/2011 at 3:38 AM

Private User -- do you have a quick "list" of the lineage that could be checked? It may be that something "lower down" got confused. E.g.: Edward Doty -> XYZ.Doty -> ABC G7M -> DEF G6F -> ....
(probably the issue will be within the first 3-4 descendants).

However, maybe there are now alternative paths to Edward ... which might even be shorter, or equivalent, which make him a cousin. Something as simple as a re-ordering of child birth order might had made a difference, Hmmm? Mike Stangel ... how does the "relationship finder" work if there are multiple paths to an ancestor?

11/19/2011 at 5:13 AM

using the pushpin tool, from

Edward Doty, "Mayflower" Passenger to Private User

Janet Lorraine Babcock is Edward Doty, "Mayflower" Passenger's son's wife's first cousin 11 times removed.


11/19/2011 at 5:33 AM

I found and am clearing up a problem downstream - Deborah Eames is married to both Elisha Sr and Jr. :)

11/19/2011 at 6:05 AM

Here's a good Doty site to use as a guide for descent.


I am finding other issues as I step thru the tree. Private User can you go from yourself up, while I go from Edward down?

11/19/2011 at 6:47 AM

Dan, the relationship finder tries a few different ways to find the path, one of which is just going straight up the ancestral lines -- if there are multiple ancestral paths, the shortest one will be returned.

11/19/2011 at 2:24 PM

Ok but this doesn't explain how her 8th gg lead, in the next generation, to cousins.:)

Do you need more links?

11/20/2011 at 5:22 PM

So, is Asa Doty no longer the great, great grandson of Edward Doty?

Edward Doty used to be my 10th great grandfather ((Edward>Joseph>John>Samuel>Asa), and now he's my "7th great aunt's second great grandfather."

I don't see Joseph listed in the "excess" children listed in this thread, so I'm confused. Everything appears fine until Samuel's (1714-1820) generation.

11/20/2011 at 6:00 PM

I'm showing Asa ok:

Edward Doty, "Mayflower" Passenger is Asa Doty's second great grandfather.

Ensign Asa Doty

11/20/2011 at 7:06 PM

Thanks, Erica. So I wonder why when I look at Edward Doty's profile it says "7th great aunt's second great grandfather"? It looks like a straight line to me, too. : /

Private User
11/20/2011 at 7:31 PM

Here is my direct line from Edward Doty:
Edward + Faith
-Isaac+Elizabeth England
-Joseph+ Sarah Edwards
-Joseph +Lucretia de Long
-Rebecca+Stutely Stafford
-Mariam+Thomas Nichols***
-James Tilson Nichols+Minerva Briggs
-Harrison P Nichols +Mary Adeline Horton
-Helen Nichols + Ford Jones
-Cornelia Ford Jones + George Babcock
-George Babcock + Rita Henry (My parents)

***This is where the problem appears to be. The physical tree shows the correct line, but the profiles do not. I am confused.

Thanks for the help.

11/21/2011 at 7:29 AM

Same here—the tree looks fine, but the relationships are incorrect.

The relationships are correct for me up to and including Asa Doty. But everyone before him (up to and including Edward) is messed up.

(Edward<Joseph<John<Samuel) = all these relationships have changed for me, and are now incorrect.

11/21/2011 at 12:43 PM

Very strange Mike Stangel

When I use the pushpin tool and go thru the generations, one at a time, from Private User on up, I get proper grandparents until the tree top and a message

Edward Doty, "Mayflower" Passenger is George Wright Babcock, Jr's first cousin 10 times removed's husband's father.


Can you take a look? It seems that at a certain point the algorithm decided to take a different path - and it's not a shorter one in any way I can see.

11/21/2011 at 2:15 PM

There could be some issues on one branch related to Joseph Doty and one of his wives, Sarah Doty

Sarah had 4 husband's listed, one pair which was an obvious typo in the last name that I merged (the one with the typo had no children or parents, so that would not likely have affected anything).

The other husband of Sarah, John Edwards is a bit interesting, because it had a pending match with birthdates a bit more than 10 years apart. I accepted the merge, but left the conflicting data for the moment.

That pending merge may have affected relationship reporting on that particular branch.

11/21/2011 at 2:17 PM

There also seem to be a few extra kids for that Joseph Doty.

11/21/2011 at 2:26 PM

There are also conflicting parents (3 individuals) for Zerviah Doty which could cause some confusion -- but no children are shown of Zerviah, so that may not cause any lineage confusion.

11/22/2011 at 7:40 AM

I figured it out (at least the problem I was seeing).

Like you said Dan, there were two Zerviah Dotys. The correct one (daughter of Samuel Doty and Elizabeth Southworth) and then a duplicate Zerviah that was incorrectly assigned to Samuel Doty and Zerviah Lovell.

I assigned the correct parents to the duplicate Zerviah, and now all the relationships are showing correctly for me. Thanks!

Private User
3/10/2013 at 9:32 AM

For anyone interested in Edward Doty, I found this book that has information on 12,727 people in the Doty line. It's really quite amazing how much information is in the book.


4/28/2013 at 1:20 AM

I saw that Erica confirmed the cemetery records for Edward (and Faith?) on find a grave. There are parents and some additional ancestors associated with Edward on the information written about that grave. Does Erica's confirmation of the cemetery records also indicate that the ancestor information is accurate, or is his parental lineage still buried in the mists of time?

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