Swabbing down the "Mayflower" Decks

Started by Erica Howton on Thursday, November 3, 2011
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Linda B. Donahue

I added you as a collaborator to the project


And I'll copy over your post to discussions there. Good stuff!


I've also joined you to the http://www.geni.com/projects/Salem-Witch-Trials-Colonial-America-in... - there is a collaborator on the project who is also a Gilles Corey expert and descendant. I'll tag her to help out there.

There were other Mayflower voyages - I bet your Rowleys (as in the town of Rowley MA??) were on it. Maybe we can dig up a passenger list.

Private User

Well one, you have made me curious about Captain Richard More, "Mayflower" Passenger

He shows as my 6th cousin, 12 times removed. Would love to read the boo, it looks interesting.

Thank you for getting right back to me, Erica. I enjoyed reading the page of names and other information. Glad to know I havve a strong stubborn streak, like Giles Corey, in my genes.

I am a Putnam-Carr descendant, so my ancestors were up to there pretty little necks in the Salem witchcraft Trials. The book "A Delusion of Satan" by Frances Hill (1995) is an excellent book for details on who, what, when and where for the period.

Private Which Samuel Fuller? I am a Samuel Fuller (the son, not the physician brother) descendant.

Were there any names like Sedgwike or Johnson on the Mayflower?

No, not on the voyage of 1620/21' anyway. But the Mayflower made the trip several time after - it's worth checking the passenger list for later voyages in the Great Migration period. We've transcribed some of those 20,000 passengers in Geni projects, but not all as yet. :). Check via Google - there's a wonderful labor of love site that has many of the pilgrim ship passenger lists called something lie packratpro.

Gary Boyd I can tell you about one of the early Johnson families. Which Johnson's are you interested in?

I am a direct descendant of John Proctor, 8th gr Grandfather ? ( I have to look it up) I grew up in Salem and never knew my own family was so closely entangled in the Salem witch trials. He was hung, his wife escaped as the trails ended before they got to hang her. I am also 12th great grand daughter of Stephen Hopkins.

Stephen Hopkins is way cool! He was the inspiration for Shakespeare's "Tempest" from being shipwrecked on the Sea Venture.

Yes, he was way cool. There is a great book about him ( I lent it someone, but I'm sure you can google the name) It is speculated that he led the thinking for the Mayflower Compact, as he led a Mutttiny while the shipwrecked passengers of the Sea Venture were on Bermuda. He was sentenced to death and plead for his life, siting his family back in England. But it was a similar situation, in that they arrived at the wrong place (not Jamestown and not the Hudson Company) so they were free to form their own government. I found this all out in the past few months; I had no idea I was related to such an American icon.

You're thinking of the Caleb Johnson biography which I really am dying to read, I just stopped myself from spending $25 and will wait for the paper back.


I just found an interesting article - maybe you'd be kind enough to upload it to his profile if it isn't there yet?

Stephen Hopkins, "Mayflower" Passenger


BTW that English family declared him dead while he was being shipwrecked and mutinous.

Mariana Luz

I added you to the projects

One thing I'm learning from this discussion, which is kind of sad / funny, which is how many Mayflower descendants were involved with the witchcraft hysteria just a couple of generations later. Ironic for refugees from religious persecution, wouldn't you say?

Erica, Yes it is quite ironic. One thing I read somewhere, (why can't I remember where I read these things?) is that many people had left Deerfield after the Deerfield Massacre (look it up if you are unfamiliar) and went to Salem. They had an intense fear or and recent memory of the terror they experienced and were convinced that there was an evil force in the world, and that is the social context out of which the witch hysteria grew. It is an interesting idea. I remember walking by the plaque in from of the Y where Giles Cory was stoned to death almost every day after school; I mean I grew up right where this all happened!

OK, I realize that the gene pool was rather small in those early years, but this is scary...unless there are errors, I am related to every person mentioned in the above posts - either through my Mother or my father. So does this make me my own grandma?

LOL Dea!

I think I mentioned before how deflated I got when someone pointed out - if your main line arrived in the Great Migration around 1640, chances are good they married into Mayflower lines, because after all, who else was there.:)

Abe Books is a good source of books, especially out of print ones. You can create a want list and if they find one, they will notify you. I have purchased several out of print ones from them.

Erica posted a fantastic resource last year that is one of my favorites - www.hathitrust.org. It keeps growing as major university and public libraries across the country add their collections online. If the book is out of copyright, it is full text and searchable. Tons of history books. It is a fabulous resource, Erica. I've found a wealth of information about the Butlers in Ireland. Mary

@ Erica - Yes, Well I have 7 family groups that came on the early ships.."Mayflower" (1sh and 2nd trips) "Anne" & "James" that I know for certin, and probably others, but no proof...Guess I should not have been surprised, but I am not used to being in such an "All inclusive" group. I was actoally surprised to find links from my Father's side, ans the ones I knew about were all on my Mother's line.

Life takes strange turns. My daughter in law is of the Mayflower line and some of their descendents are Mormon pioneers:-)

Erica, this morning there were a bunch of merges pending on the Mullins, (Alice Mullin c1574 Alice Mullins (unknown), "Mayflower" Passenger). I "no matched some, mostly because they would create more problems with the profiles (dates and parent issues).

Your curator note indicates parentage is not known, however Nicholas and Olive Atwood look like they have been assigned and are in the profile....thanks.

I want to know about greaver family


carl weston.... You are correct in heeding Erica Isabei Howton's Note. There have been no parents found for Alice Mullin to date.

@ Carl, @ Erica, @ Dave - Many years ago (1977) I was given a long lineage for Alice Wood that had been compiled over the years by (I am assuming) the Mormon Church. For Alice Wood They show Parents as Nicholas Wood and Olive Harmon as parents. Citations are "Mayflower p738 V0ol 1 p.9-230", "BostonTranscript pt 21 Jan 1931 p 58 vol.32", and Attewood Annals (B10F19p5" I have not done the research, however I would be interested in any proof either for or against this parentage.

I have the Mayflower Society volume on the Howland descendants for the first 5 generations and can look things up, if someone needs it.

Christopher Martin was my 15th great-grandfather.

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