Which wife is correct?

Started by Janice Weeks Hollenczer on Friday, October 28, 2011
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10/28/2011 at 3:05 AM

So his wife is given as Anna de la Grove, yet in the text he is said to be married to Helen Tudor. And there are no sources. Is this just another collection of same sounding names authors put together to make their families look good in genealogies?

11/17/2011 at 8:16 PM

I'm so glad people pay attention to lineages on this site. William Gardiner couldn't have been the son of his given parents as he was older than both of them - by 3 years in the case of his father and by 11 years in the case of his mother. The wife given here was 22 years older than he was; she would have been in her 60s at the birth of their first child! I'm not counting Anne Gardiner among them.
People don't even pay attention to the "About Me" showing different families! And using information from another private website isn't "proof". Too many of the books that were written in the past were done to give credence to families that had struck it rich and could pay for any lineage a dishonest "genealogist" could cook up. Geni is a joke.

12/13/2012 at 9:19 AM

A year, and no one has straightened out this line. HIs wife was Helen Tudor according to the "About", and with Helen Tudor had three children, William, Richard and Stephen. NO ANNE. Doesn't anyone think that perhaps since the Winthrops are one of the major families of the New World, if they'd connected to royalty, they'd have figured it out by this time??? No publication I've seen can go back before the Browns, and that in the female line. And I believe (not positive, but one of the lines does, per info held by a family in England) that Brown is the line that goes back to the Domesday Book, NOT to royalty. People are so obsessed with connecting with royalty, they disregard facts, or worse, make them up! As I said over a year ago, Geni is a joke!

12/13/2012 at 5:15 PM

And the point of your message is?? I know what I said. You sent me to the same profile that is wrong. The link to sparksfamily/Maryland Families is broken. And his wife is still Helen Tudor, NOT Anna de la Grove, and there was no daughter named Anne.

12/13/2012 at 6:14 PM

Janice Weeks Hollenczer
The profile was probably at one time mis-merged and the information for the wife Helen Tudor not removed after the clean up. I have removed the information about William who was married to Helen from the 'About' section, it had been already placed with the other William.

Here is the profile for William who is connected to Helen Tudor
Sir William Gardiner

12/21/2012 at 1:40 PM

I have no clue what is going on. I have stopped using Geni because it lets any and everyone take over all the hard work and data entry done. My genealogy papers are currently put into storage for their own safety as I have a toddler in the house. The tree shown is NOT my tree. Someone merged with someone else and has gotten rid of higher up branches.... which means the merging is probably incorrect. To the best of my knowledge we are not related to Tudor, but via a matriarchal branch can be traced to Charlemagne.

Good luck sorting this mess out. I have deiced to stick to my paper trees with all of my paper documents, copies, photos, etc. If I had my information available I would tell you what I have.

12/21/2012 at 3:42 PM

Thank you Pam

I see both Sir William Gardiner and Unknown Profile are connected as sons of Sir Thomas Gardiner, of Collybyn Hall, Knt. having different mothers. Both William's dates of birth do not fit with their father's, both being born about the same time as Thomas.
One of Thomas (b.1449) Gardiner's wives Mabel Gardiner has a birth year listed as c.1438, 11 years older then her husband, while not unheard of in those times, it raises a question as to if this marriage is correct or from a wrong merge. Definitely William who married Helen Tudor would not be his son, so I would assume that the marriage of Thomas & Mabel is not correct, and Mabel's dates seem fit with her parents dates as Thomas' fit with his parents.

The parentage and marriage of William who is connected to Anna Gardiner is also questionable, if her dates are correct then she is 22 years older then her husband and lived to be 100, and older then his connected Grandmother who has the same name. Was there a wrong merge for her? This William's children seem to fit with his dates, so probably Thomas is not this William's father either.

I find it strange that Edward Gardiner the child of Thomas & Elizabeth Beaumont is married to a Anna Gardiner (de la Grove) also, that makes three women with the same name, one being his grandmother.

I will see if I can disconnect Sir William Gardiner from Thomas but leave him connected to Mabel Byron although I have no knowledge about William's parentage. Also removing the marriage of Mabel & Thomas.

If any one else has information about these William's it would be helpful.

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