Maybe duplication errata of Avigdor Kara died in 1439

Started by Moshe Nachman Tal on Monday, September 12, 2011
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9/12/2011 at 6:39 AM

The known Avigdor Kara was brother-in-law of Rabbi Yehuda Loew, The great grandfather of Maharal (Sources are attached to this profile).
This profile present Avigdor Kara as brother-in-law of Yehuda Bezalel Loew (Hamaharal), Suspiciously similar to the documented people above.
The source of this profile in LoebTree, need better source.

Rabbi Avigdor Kara info:

The old Rabbi Yehuda Loew profile:

Private User
9/12/2011 at 6:59 AM
9/12/2011 at 7:10 AM

Here the source for Avigdor Kara was brother-in-law of Rabbi Yehuda Loew, The great grandfather of Maharal.

9/12/2011 at 11:31 AM

Moshe Nachman Tal Yigal Burstein Private User Moshe, Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful Hebrew Books source, it will be very helpful in our future research, and for taking the time to point out this profile that needs more investigation.מהר%22ל+מ...=

Private User
9/12/2011 at 3:15 PM


I am not clear what new information you are trying to give here.
As you said in your first post, there is a reference to that book as the source in the About Me of the profile

[You referred to it as "Sources are attached to this profile"].

Second, you said: "The known Avigdor Kara was brother-in-law of Rabbi Yehuda Loew, The great grandfather of Maharal" and again "Avigdor Kara was brother-in-law of Rabbi Yehuda Loew, The great grandfather of Maharal"

I am not seeing him as the brother-in-law. I am seeing him as the nephew.

Rabbi Avigdor Karo - רבי אביגדור קארו is Yehuda ben Bezalel {or ben Yitzhak} / יהודה בן בצלאל הזקן, המפורסם's nephew.

The Hebrewbooks source also says this on page 19 to which you referred us in your post:

בן א ה ו ת ו של ד׳ יה ו ד א לי ו ו א י הז ה הי ה הג א ו ן מו י א ב י ג ד ו ר קר א אב ״ ד
י דק׳׳ק

Forgive the OCR errors - the meaning is clear - and you can find it yourself at

You may be telling us something new here - I am just not sure what - and I would be grateful for clarification.

9/13/2011 at 12:11 AM


You are right, Rabbi Avigdor Karo - רבי אביגדור קארו is Yehuda ben Bezalel {or ben Yitzhak} / יהודה בן בצלאל הזקן, המפורסם's nephew.
Sorry about my inaccuracy.

Private User
9/13/2011 at 12:20 AM

Moshe - it's always good to have differences of opinion that lead to establishing the facts.
כל טוב

9/13/2011 at 1:48 AM

All is well that ends well.
I added a remark on the profile of Avigdor Kara (Maharal's brother in law, according to the Loebtree) that he is NOT the Avigdor Kara, Maharal Gt.Gdfather's nephew

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